Three UK APN Settings for iPhone and Android Internet 4G/5G 2024

If you're a Three UK customer, setting up your device's APN (Access Point Name) is essential for accessing the internet. With the right APN settings, you can enjoy fast and stable internet connections on your iPhone or Android device.

In this article, we will show you how to set up Three UK APN settings for both iPhone and Android devices.

What is APN?

APN stands for Access Point Name. It's a unique identifier that connects your mobile device to the mobile internet network of your service provider. Without the correct APN settings, you may experience slow or no internet connection on your device, regardless of whether you're using 4G or 5G networks.

Why Three UK APN Settings are Important

The Three UK APN settings determine the parameters your phone uses to connect to the internet via the Three UK network. APN settings determine the type of IP address (IPv4 or IPv6), the type of network gateway. It can also control the speed and stability of your internet connection. These settings are particularly important when switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data.

Three UK APN settings for iPhone

To set up Three UK APN settings for an iPhone:

  1. Go to the "Settings" app on your iPhone
  2. Select "Mobile Data"
  3. Select "Mobile Data Network"
Username(leave blank)
Password(leave blank)
MMS Max Message Size1048576

Once you've entered these settings, save them and restart your iPhone. You should now be able to access the internet via Three UK's mobile network.

Asda Mobile UK APN Settings for iPhone and Android Internet 4G/5G 2024

Three UK APN settings for Android

To set up Three UK APN settings for an Android device:

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Select "Connections"
  3. Select "Mobile Networks"
  4. Select "Access Point Names"
  5. Tap the "+" sign to add a new APN
NameThree UK
Proxy(Leave blank)
Port(Leave blank)
Username(Leave blank)
Password(Leave blank)
Server(Leave blank)
MMS port8799
Authentication typeNone
APN typedefault,supl,mms
APN protocolIPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocolIPv4
MVNO typeNone

Once you've entered these settings, save them and restart your Android device. You should now be able to access the internet via Three UK's mobile network.

Accessing the internet through the Three UK network is easy once you've set up your mobile device's APN settings. With the correct settings in place, you can enjoy fast and reliable internet connections on your iPhone or Android device.

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